Terms of Use

Refund Policy

In the event that the student would like to cancel a lesson, they must provide 24 hours notice to receive a full refund.

In the event that the teacher needs to cancel a lesson, a full refund will always be given.

If there are any complaints about the teacher, the website or anything else, please submit them to the contact page.

If a student buys one of the school's books via Amazon, any complaints or refund requests must be submitted through Amazon.


Privacy Policy

All information submitted to the website is kept private.

No third party websites or businesses have access to the information and All-In-English will not share it without express permission.

This website uses cookies. Cookies are saved to your local browser, so please be aware that if you do not want them saved, you can clear them via your browser.

Any other comments, questions or complaints must be submitted through the contact us page.


The adverts on this site are delivered by a third party (Google) and are, therefore, subject to your interests. It is designed to show adverts based on your browsing habits. All-In-English has no control of the content shown in the ads for each person.